
Zuzana Gažová

Head of the laboratory
Associate Professor, Director of Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice

Zuzana Gažová is an Associate Professor at the Department of Biophysics, Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice. Dr. Gažová received her Ph.D. in Biophysics at the Institute of Molecular Physiology and Genetics, SAS in Bratislava, in 1998. Afterward, she was a postdoc in the laboratory of Prof. Mandelkow at Max Planck-Unit – workgroup for Structural Molecular Biology, Hamburg (2002 - 2005), where she studied the amyloid structures and searched for inhibitors of aggregation of tau protein. She continued her work on amyloid aggregation after coming back to IEP SAS in Košice. Currently, the research of Dr. Gažová is mainly dedicated to the amyloid aggregation of the proteins, characterization of the amyloid aggregates, searching for potential inhibitors (small molecules, nanoparticles) of amyloid fibrillization and characterization of the ability of nanoparticles to interfere with amyloid aggregation. Dr. Gažová gave several invited lectures at relevant international conferences and foreign scientific institutions (Institute of Nanostructured Materials NRC Bologna, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of São Paulo, East China University in Shanghai). She was a co-chairman for the "Amyloid Aggregation of Proteins" section at the International Biophysical Congress (IUPAB) held in Brisbane, Australia. In 2013 Dr. Gažová was honored with a special price given by the president of Slovak Academy of Sciences for her scientific achievements related to the amyloid aggregation of proteins. In 2019 Ministry of education, science, research and sport of the Slovak Republic awarded the research team of Dr. Gažová for scientific impact in the area of amyloid aggregation. She is the principal investigator and co-investigator of several international and national projects. She was a lecturer at the Safarik University in Košice and supervised several Ph.D. and Master students.