Our publications: Past decade

1. Tvrdoňová, M., Borovská, B., Salayová, A., Rončák, R., Michalčin, P., Bednáriková, Z., & Gažová, Z. (2023). Design and synthesis of novel carbohydrate-amino acid hybrids and their antioxidant and anti-β-amyloid aggregation activity. Bioorganic Chemistry, 137, 106636.
Impact factor 2022: 5.14; Q1; citations: 1
Available here

2. Cambiotti, E., Bednarikova, Z., Gazova, Z., Sassi, P., Bystrenova, E., & Latterini, L. (2023). Effect of plasmonic excitation on mature insulin amyloid fibrils. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 228, 113434.
Impact factor 2022: 6.35; Q1; citations: 0
Available here

3. Kubovcikova, M., Sobotova, R., Zavisova, V., Antal, I., Khmara, I., Lisnichuk, M., ... & Koneracka, M. (2023). N-Acetylcysteine-Loaded Magnetic Nanoparticles for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(14), 11414.
Impact factor 2022: 5.64; Q1; citations: 2
Available here

4. Gancar, M., Kurin, E., Bednarikova, Z., Marek, J., Mucaji, P., Nagy, M., & Gazova, Z. (2023). Green tea leaf constituents inhibit the formation of lysozyme amyloid aggregates: An effect of mutual interactions. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 242, 124856.
Impact factor 2022: 8.84; Q1; citations: 7
Available here

5. Bednarikova, Z., Kubovcikova, M., Antal, I., Antosova, A., Gancar, M., Kovac, J., ... & Zavisova, V. (2023). Silica-magnetite nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization and nucleic acid separation potential. Surfaces and Interfaces, 39, 102942.
Impact factor 2022: 6.43; Q1; citations: 6
Available here

6. Vanik, V., Bednarikova, Z., Fabriciova, G., Wang, S. S. S., Gazova, Z., & Fedunova, D. (2023). Modulation of Insulin Amyloid Fibrillization in Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids with Hofmeister Series Anions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(11), 9699.
Impact factor 2022: 5.64; Q1; citations: 2
Available here

7. Antosova, A., Gancar, M., Bednarikova, Z., Marek, J., Bystrenova, E., & Gazova, Z. (2022). The influence of cations on α-lactalbumin amyloid aggregation. JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 27(7), 679-689.
Impact factor 2021: 3.5; Q1; citations: 4
Available here

8. Fedunova D., Antosova A., Marek J., Vanik V., Demjen E., Bednarikova Z., Gazova Z. Effect of 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate and Acetate Ionic Liquids on Stability and Amyloid Aggregation of Lysozyme, 2022, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (2), 783.
Impact factor 2021: 5.92; Q1; citations: 13
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9. Antosova A., Gancar M., Bednarikova Z., Marek J., Zahn D., Dutz S., Gazova Z. Surface-modified magnetite nanoparticles affect lysozyme amyloid fibrillization, 2021, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, 1865 (9), 129941.
Impact factor 2020: 3.77; Q1; citations: 14
Available here

10. Bednarikova Z., Gancar M., Wang R., Zheng L., Tang Y., Luo Y., Huang Y., Spodniakova B., Ma L., Gazova Z. Extracts from Chinese herbs with anti-amyloid and neuroprotective activities, 2021, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 179, 475-484.
Impact factor 2020: 6.953; Q1; citations: 8
Available here

11. Bednarikova Z., Gancar M., Wang R., Zheng L., Tang Y., Luo Y., Huang Y., Spodniakova B., Ma L., Gazova Z. Extracts from Chinese herbs with anti-amyloid and neuroprotective activities, 2021, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 179, 475-484.
Impact factor 2020: 6.953; Q1; citations: 8
Available here

12. Gao W., Jin L., Liu C., Zhang N., Zhang R., Bednarikova Z., Gazova Z., Bhunia A., Siebert H.-C., Dong H. Inhibition behavior of Sennoside A and Sennoside C on amyloid fibrillation of human lysozyme and its possible mechanism, 2021, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 178, 424-433.
Impact factor 2020: 6.953; Q1; citations: 30
Available here

13. Bednarikova Z., Antal I., Kubovcikova M., Koneracka M., Girman V., Zavisova V., Gazova Z. Modified polymer nanospheres – Characterization and their anti-amyloid activity to insulin amyloid aggregation, 2021, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 521, 167527.
Impact factor 2020: 2.993; Q2; citations: 6
Available here

14. Nepovimova E., Svobodova L., Dolezal R., Hepnarova V., Junova L., Jun D., Korabecny J., Kucera T., Gazova Z., Motykova K., Kubackova J., Bednarikova Z., Janockova J., Jesus C., Cortes L., Pina J., Rostohar D., Serpa C., Soukup O., Aitken L., Hughes R.E., Musilek K., Muckova L., Jost P., Chvojkova M., Vales K., Valis M., Chrienova Z., Chalupova K., Kuca K. Tacrine – Benzothiazoles: Novel class of potential multitarget anti-Alzheimer's drugs dealing with cholinergic, amyloid and mitochondrial systems, 2021, Bioorganic Chemistry, 107, 104596.
Impact factor 2020: 5.275; Q1; citations: 24
Available here

15. Lin C.-Y., Wang T.-H., How S.-C., Bednarikova Z., Fedunova D., Gazova Z., Wu J.W., Wang S.S.-S. Investigating the effect of sugar-terminated nanoparticles on amyloid fibrillogenesis of β-lactoglobulin, 2020, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 165, 291-307.
Impact factor 2019: 5.162; Q1; citations: 9
Available here

16. Garajová K., Sedláková D., Berta M., Gazova Z., Sedlák E. Destabilization effect of imidazolium cation-Hofmeister anion salts on cytochrome c, 2020, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 164, 3808-3813.
Impact factor 2019: 5.162; Q1; citations: 5
Available here

17. Bednarikova Z., Gazova Z., Valle F., Bystrenova E. Atomic force microscopy as an imaging tool to study the bio/nonbio complexes, 2020, Journal of Microscopy, 280 (3), 241-251.
Impact factor 2019: 1.575; Q2; citations: 8
Available here

18. Gancar M., Kurin E., Bednarikova Z., Marek J., Mucaji P., Nagy M., Gazova Z. Amyloid Aggregation of Insulin: An Interaction Study of Green Tea Constituents, 2020, Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 9115.
Impact factor 2019: 3.998; Q1; citations: 37
Available here

19. Martins P.M., Navarro S., Silva A., Pinto M.F., Sárkány Z., Figueiredo F., Pereira P.J.B., Pinheiro F., Bednarikova Z., Burdukiewicz M., Galzitskaya O.V., Gazova Z., Gomes C.M., Pastore A., Serpell L.C., Skrabana R., Smirnovas V., Ziaunys M., Otzen D.E., Ventura S., Macedo-Ribeiro S. MIRRAGGE – Minimum Information Required for Reproducible AGGregation Experiments, 2020, Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 13, 582488.
Impact factor 2019: 3.998; Q1; citations: 21
Available here

20. Khmara I., Molcan M., Antosova A., Bednarikova Z., Zavisova V., Kubovcikova M., Jurikova A., Girman V., Baranovicova E., Koneracka M., Gazova Z. Bioactive properties of chitosan stabilized magnetic nanoparticles – Focus on hyperthermic and anti-amyloid activities, 2020, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 513, 167056.
Impact factor 2019: 2.717; Q2; citations: 18
Available here

21. Jin L., Gao W., Liu C., Zhang N., Mukherjee S., Zhang R., Dong H., Bhunia A., Bednarikova Z., Gazova Z., Liu M., Han J., Siebert H.-C. Investigating the inhibitory effects of entacapone on amyloid fibril formation of human lysozyme, 2020, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 161, 1393-1404.
Impact factor 2019: 5.162; Q1; citations: 28
Available here

22. Pariary R., Ghosh B., Bednarikova Z., Varnava K.G., Ratha B.N., Raha S., Bhattacharyya D., Gazova Z., Sarojini V., Mandal A.K., Bhunia A. Targeted inhibition of amyloidogenesis using a non-toxic, serum stable strategically designed cyclic peptide with therapeutic implications, 2020, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics, 1868 (5), 140378.
Impact factor 2019: 2.371; Q1; citations: 12
Available here

23. Barbalinardo M., Antosova A., Gambucci M., Bednarikova Z., Albonetti C., Valle F., Sassi P., Latterini L., Gazova Z., Bystrenova E. Effect of metallic nanoparticles on amyloid fibrils and their influence to neural cell toxicity, 2020, Nano Research, 13 (4), 1081-1089.
Impact factor 2019: 8.183; Q1; citations: 31
Available here

24. Gancar M., Ho K., Mohid S.A., Thai N.Q., Bednarikova Z., Nguyen H.L., Bhunia A., Nepovimova E., Li M.S., Gazova Z. 7-Methoxytacrine and 2-Aminobenzothiazole Heterodimers: Structure-Mechanism Relationship of Amyloid Inhibitors Based on Rational Design, 2020, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 11 (5), 715-729.
Impact factor 2019: 4.486; Q1; citations: 13
Available here

25. Ratha B.N., Kar R.K., Bednarikova Z., Gazova Z., Kotler S.A., Raha S., De S., Maiti N.C., Bhunia A. Molecular Details of a Salt Bridge and Its Role in Insulin Fibrillation by NMR and Raman Spectroscopic Analysis, 2020, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124 (7), 1125-1136.
Impact factor 2019: 2.587; Q2; citations: 10
Available here

26. Antosova A., Bednarikova Z., Koneracka M., Antal I., Marek J., Kubovcikova M., Zavisova V., Jurikova A., Gazova Z. Amino Acid Functionalized Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Inhibit Lysozyme Amyloid Fibrillization, 2019, Chemistry - A European Journal, 25 (31), 7501-7514.
Impact factor 2018: 5.160; Q1; citations: 40
Available here

27. Gazova Z., Bednarikova Z., Bartos A., Klaschka J., Kristofikova Z. Surface tension and intrinsic amyloid fluorescence of serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples in Alzheimer´s disease, 2019, Biomarkers in Medicine, 13 (4), 267-277.
Impact factor 2018: 2.346; Q2; citations: 2
Available here

28. Bednarikova Z., Marek J., Demjen E., Dutz S., Mocanu M.-M., Wu J.W., Wang S.S.-S., Gazova Z. Effect of nanoparticles coated with different modifications of dextran on lysozyme amyloid aggregation, 2019, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 473, 1-6.
Impact factor 2018: 3.046; Q2; citations: 22
Available here

29. Bystrenova, E., Bednarikova, Z., Barbalinardo, M., Albonetti, C., Valle, F., & Gazova, Z. (2019). Amyloid fragments and their toxicity on neural cells. Regenerative Biomaterials, 6(2), 121-127.
Impact factor 2018: 3.62; Q1; citations: 19
Available here

30. Zhang R., Zhang N., Mohri M., Wu L., Eckert T., Krylov V.B., Antosova A., Ponikova S., Bednarikova Z., Markart P., Günther A., Norden B., Billeter M., Schauer R., Scheidig A.J., Ratha B.N., Bhunia A., Hesse K., Steinmeyer J., Petridis A.K., Kozar T., Gazova Z., Nifantiev N.E., Siebert H.-C. Nanomedical relevance of the intermolecular interaction dynamics - Examples from lysozymes and insulins, 2019, ACS Omega, 4 (2), 4206-4220.
Impact factor 2018: 2.09; Q1; citations: 12
Available here

31. Antosova A., Bednarikova Z., Koneracka M., Antal I., Zavisova V., Kubovcikova M., Wu J.W., S.-S. Wang S., Gazova Z. Destroying activity of glycine coated magnetic nanoparticles on lysozyme, α-lactalbumin, insulin and α-crystallin amyloid fibrils, 2019, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 471, 169-176.
Impact factor 2018: 3.046; Q2; citations: 21
Available here

32. Lu N.-H., How S.-C., Lin C.-Y., Tsai S.-L., Bednarikova Z., Fedunova D., Gazova Z., Wu J.W., Wang S.S.-S. Examining the effects of dextran-based polymer-coated nanoparticles on amyloid fibrillogenesis of human insulin, 2018, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 172, 674-683.
Impact factor 2017: 3.997; Q1; citations: 24
Available here

33. Thai N.Q., Bednarikova Z., Gancar M., Linh H.Q., Hu C.-K., Li M.S., Gazova Z. Compound CID 9998128 Is a Potential Multitarget Drug for Alzheimer's Disease, 2018, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 9 (11), 2588-2598.
Impact factor 2017: 4.21; Q1; citations: 18
Available here

34. How S.-C., Cheng Y.-H., Lo C.-H., Lai J.-T., Lin T.-H., Bednarikova Z., Antosova A., Gazova Z., Wu J.W., Wang S.S.-S. Exploring the effects of methylene blue on amyloid fibrillogenesis of lysozyme, 2018, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 119, 1059-1067.
Impact factor 2017: 3.909; Q1; citations: 26
Available here

35. Orteca G., Tavanti F., Bednarikova Z., Gazova Z., Rigillo G., Imbriano C., Basile V., Asti M., Rigamonti L., Saladini M., Ferrari E., Menziani M.C. Curcumin derivatives and Aβ-fibrillar aggregates: An interactions’ study for diagnostic/therapeutic purposes in neurodegenerative diseases, 2018, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 26(14), 4288-4300.
Impact factor 2017: 2.881; Q1; citations: 30
Available here

36. Ulicna K., Bednarikova Z., Hsu W.-T., Holztragerova M., Wu J.W., Hamulakova S., Wang S.S.-S., Gazova Z. Lysozyme amyloid fibrillization in presence of tacrine/acridone-coumarin heterodimers. 2018, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 166, 108-118.
Impact factor 2017: 3.997; Q1; citations: 15
Available here

37. Pham H.D.Q., Thai N.Q., Bednarikova Z., Linh H.Q., Gazova Z., Li M.S. Bexarotene cannot reduce amyloid beta plaques through inhibition of production of amyloid beta peptides: in silico and in vitro study, 2018, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (37), 24329-24338.
Impact factor 2017: 3.906; Q1; citations: 5
Available here

38. Bystrenova E., Bednarikova Z., Barbalinardo M., Valle F., Gazova Z., Biscarini F. Insulin amyloid structures and their influence on neural cells, 2018, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 161, 177-182.
Impact factor 2017: 3.997; Q1; citations: 7
Available here

39. Ponikova S., Kubackova J., Bednarikova Z., Marek J., Demjen E., Antosova A., Musatov A., Gazova Z. Inhibition of lysozyme amyloidogenesis by phospholipids. Focus on long-chain dimyristoylphosphocholine, 2017, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, 1861(11), 2934-2943.
Impact factor 2016: 4.702; Q1; citations: 14
Available here

40. Huy P.D.Q., Thai N.Q., Bednarikova Z., Phuc L.H., Linh H.Q., Gazova Z., Li M.S. Bexarotene Does Not Clear Amyloid Beta Plaques but Delays Fibril Growth: Molecular Mechanisms, 2017, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 8(9), 1960-1969.
Impact factor 2016: 3.883; Q1; citations: 27
Available here

41. Siposova K., Pospiskova K., Bednarikova Z., Safarik I., Safarikova M., Kubovcikova M., Kopcansky P., Gazova Z. The molecular mass of dextran used to modify magnetite nanoparticles affects insulin amyloid aggregation, 2017, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 427, 48-53.
Impact factor 2016: 2.630; Q2; citations: 22
Available here

42. Ferrari E., Benassi R., Saladini M., Orteca G., Gazova Z., Siposova K. In vitro study on potential pharmacological activity of curcumin analogues and their copper complexes, 2017, Chemical Biology and Drug Design, 89(3), 411-419.
Impact factor 2016: 1.41; Q2; citations: 22
Available here

43. Gazova Z., Soukup O., Sepsova V., Siposova K., Drtinova L., Jost P., Spilovska K., Korabecny J., Nepovimova E., Fedunova D., Horak M., Kaniakova M., Wang Z.-J., Hamouda A.K., Kuca K. Multi-target-directed therapeutic potential of 7-methoxytacrine-adamantylamine heterodimers in the Alzheimer's disease treatment, 2017, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1863 (2), 607-619.
Impact factor 2016: 5.476; Q1; citations: 43
Available here

44. Schadow S., Simons V.S., Lochnit G., Kordelle J., Gazova Z., Siebert H.-C., Steinmeyer J. Metabolic response of human osteoarthritic cartilage to biochemically characterized collagen hydrolysates, 2017, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18 (1), 207.
Impact factor 2019: 5.962; Q1; citations: 39
Available here

45. Holas O., Korabecny J., Gazova Z., Siposova K., Musilek K., Opletalova V., Gorecki L., Nepovimova E., Spilovska K., Mezeiova E., Kuca K. Alzheimer's disease drugs- in vitro comparison of cholinesterase inhibition and beta-Amyloid modulation, 2017, Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 14(6), 743-750.
Impact factor 2016: 1.170; Q3; citations: 0
Available here

46. Majorosova J., Petrenko V.I., Siposova K., Timko M., Tomasovicova N., Garamus V.M., Koralewski M., Avdeev M.V., Leszczynski B., Jurga S., Gazova Z., Hayryan S., Hu C.-K., Kopcansky P. On the adsorption of magnetite nanoparticles on lysozyme amyloid fibrils, 2016, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 146, 794-800.
Impact factor 2015: 3.902; Q1; citations: 29
Available here

47. Hamulakova S., Poprac P., Jomova K., Brezova V., Lauro P., Drostinova L., Jun D., Sepsova V., Hrabinova M., Soukup O., Kristian P., Gazova Z., Bednarikova Z., Kuca K., Valko M. Targeting copper(II)-induced oxidative stress and the acetylcholinesterase system in Alzheimer's disease using multifunctional tacrine-coumarin hybrid molecules, 2016, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 161, 52-62.
Impact factor 2015: 3.205; Q1; citations: 83
Available here

48. Kar R.K., Gazova Z., Bednarikova Z., Mroue K.H., Ghosh A., Zhang R., Ulicna K., Siebert H.-C., Nifantiev N.E., Bhunia A. Evidence for Inhibition of Lysozyme Amyloid Fibrillization by Peptide Fragments from Human Lysozyme: A Combined Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Docking Study, 2016, Biomacromolecules, 17(6), 1998-2009.
Impact factor 2015: 5.583; Q1; citations: 41
Available here

49. Bednarikova Z., Huy P.D.Q., Mocanu M.-M., Fedunova D., Li M.S., Gazova Z. Fullerenol C60(OH)16 prevents amyloid fibrillization of Aβ40: In vitro and in silico approach, 2016, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(28), 18855-18867.
Impact factor 2015: 4.449; Q1; citations: 55
Available here

50. Nowacka O., Milowska K., Belica-Pacha S., Palecz B., Šipošová K., Gazova Z., Bryszewska M. Generation-dependent effect of PAMAM dendrimers on human insulin fibrillation and thermal stability, 2016, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 82, 54-60.
Impact factor 2015: 3.138; Q1; citations: 18
Available here

51. Poniková S., Antošová A., Demjén E., Sedláková D., Marek J., Varhač R., Gažová Z., Sedlák E. Lysozyme stability and amyloid fibrillization dependence on Hofmeister anions in acidic pH, 2015, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 20 (6), 921-933.
Impact factor 2014: 2.538; Q1; citations: 35
Available here

52. Spilovska K., Korabecny J., Horova A., Musilek K., Nepovimova E., Drtinova L., Gazova Z., Siposova K., Dolezal R., Jun D., Kuca K. Design, synthesis and in vitro testing of 7-methoxytacrine-amantadine analogues: A novel cholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, 2015, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 24 (6), 2645-2655.
Impact factor 2014: 1.402; Q1; citations: 40
Available here

53. Van Vuong Q., Bednarikova Z., Antosova A., Huy P.D.Q., Siposova K., Tuan N.A., Li M.S., Gazova Z. Inhibition of insulin amyloid fibrillization by glyco-acridines: An in vitro and in silico study, 2015, MedChemComm, 6(5), 810-822.
Impact factor 2014: 2.495; Q1; citations: 17
Available here

54. Viet M.H., Siposova K., Bednarikova Z., Antosova A., Nguyen T.T., Gazova Z., Li M.S. In silico and in vitro study of binding affinity of tripeptides to amyloid β fibrils: Implications for Alzheimer's disease, 2015, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119(16), 5145-5155.
Impact factor 2014: 3.302; Q1; citations: 39
Available here

55. Kopcansky P., Siposova K., Melnikova L., Bednarikova Z., Timko M., Mitroova Z., Antosova A., Garamus V.M., Petrenko V.I., Avdeev M.V., Gazova Z. Destroying activity of magnetoferritin on lysozyme amyloid fibrils, 2015, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 377, 267-271.
Impact factor 2014: 2.18; Q1; citations: 17
Available here

56. Kopčanský P., Tomčo L., Jadzyn J., Swiergiel J., Majorošová J., Kubovčíková M., Timko M., Rajňák M., Šipošová K., Gažová Z., Bednariková Z., Tomašovicová N., Hu C.-K., Hayryan S., Studenyak I., Kovalchuk T.M., Kovalchuk O.V. Dielectric properties of lyotropic magnetic liquid crystal, 2015,Acta Physica Polonica A, 127 (2), 632-634.
Impact factor 2014: 0.72; Q3; citations: 0
Available here

57. Mocanu M.-M., Ganea C., Siposova K., Filippi A., Demjen E., Marek J., Bednarikova Z., Antosova A., Baran I., Gazova Z. Polymorphism of hen egg white lysozyme amyloid fibrils influences the cytotoxicity in LLC-PK1 epithelial kidney cells, 2014, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 65, 176-187.
Impact factor 2013: 3.49; Q2; citations: 37
Available here

58. Petrenko V.I., Avdeev M.V., Garamus V.M., Kubovcikova M., Gažová Z., Šipošová K., Bulavin L.A., Almásy L., Aksenov V.L., Kopcansky P. Structure of amyloid aggregates of lysozyme from small-angle X-ray scattering data, 2014, Physics of the Solid State, 56 (1), 129-133.
Impact factor 2012: 0.796; Q3; citations: 8
Available here

59. Kristofikova Z., Gazova Z., Siposova K., Bartos A., Ricny J., Kotoucova J., Sirova J., Ripova D. Effects of ferrofluid and phytoalexin spirobrassinin on thioflavin-T-based fluorescence in cerebrospinal fluid of the elderly and multiple sclerosis patients, 2014, Neurochemical Research, 39 (8), 1502-1510.
Impact factor 2012: 2.87; Q1; citations: 17
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