
Miroslav Gančár


Miroslav Gančár received his Ph.D. in Biophysics in 2020. In his dissertation, he studied the amyloid self-assembly of proteins with the main focus on conformational changes of proteins during amyloid aggregation. Dr. Gančár received a five-month fellowship granted by SAIA's National scholarship program at the Institute of Nanostructured Materials, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Bologna, Italy. Currently, Dr. Gančár is a postdoc in Dr. Gažová´s lab. His research mainly focuses on different aspects of protein amyloid aggregation – mechanism of poly/peptide aggregation; the hierarchical structure of the poly/peptide amyloids, and the physical properties of the amyloids. He is also interested in evaluating the low-molecular substances with the potential to counteract with amyloid aggregation - prevent the growth of toxic amyloid oligomers; inhibit the formation of amyloid fibrils and their deposition; disassemble preformed fibrils, and favor amyloid clearance. Dr. Gančár uses different spectral methods (DSC, ITC, FTIR, CD, UV-VIS, fluorescence spectroscopy), AFM, enzymatic assays, PAGE. Dr. Gančár was also awarded several travel grants, scholarships, and different scientific awards.